5 shocking eye-openers that you're not with the right person
Some signs in a relationship reveal that the person you're with isn't right for you. If you feel like you're taken for granted or disrespected by your partner, then consider talking it out.
There comes a time when you begin to doubt your relationship's strength. You wonder if you've made the right choice by marrying your partner and if this decision is even making you happy. While feeling doubtful about a relationship is quite normal, it may not be healthy if these doubts persist.
According to a Psychology Today article, it could be helpful to step outside your relationship and develop a third person's perspective while analysing your partner. If you feel like your partner exhibits some of these personality traits, then perhaps its time to move on.
You've been taken for granted: It is a cause for concern if one person is always making the decisions. If your opinions aren't taken into account during simple situations like travel, dinner or even weekend plans, then its a sign that you've been taken for granted. Your partner assumes that his/her decision will benefit both of you but this could be far from the truth.
You have different future plans: Everyone has a plan for their future and although it may differ from your partner, it shouldn't be on a completely different track. A relationship isn't healthy if two people disagree about kids, marriage, living situation and their career goals as these things are part of a person's core values. Although some people change their mind when it comes to these things, it should happen as a result of their own personal growth. Anything forced could lead to frustration between the two.
You are not a part of their life: For a relationship to be healthy, two people need to be equally invested in each other's lives. This includes meeting the other person's friends and family and not feeling obliged to do it.
Your partner rarely gives: In every relationship, giving and receiving care is important. If you find yourself caring too much about your partner and not finding it in return, then suffice it to say that you've moved on from being a partner and have occupied the place of a parent.
You aren't respected: Respect appears in different ways in a relationship. If your partner isn't respectful towards you, there might be verbal and emotional abuse. According to the Psychology Today article, men show their disrespect by attempting to control a situation, passing judgement and using derogatory names.