Want to avoid diabetes? Doctor says follow these 10 steps
Diabetes -- The one ailment that most of us dread picking up in our lifetime. According to the World Health Organisation, 422 million people across the world have diabetes, particularly in low-and middle-income countries. With certain precautions, you can prevent yourself from being a part of that statistic.

Dr H S Santosh, consultant for Diabetes and Endocrinology at Manipal Hospitals, lists the ways in which you can prevent or delay diabetes. Read on.

1. Weight Management
Manage your weight as fat cells are more resistant to insulin. People who are overweight are at 7 times, and obese people are at 20-40 times more risk of developing diabetes.

2. Healthy diet
Maintain a healthy diet and reduce the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and processed meats. Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also, take whole grains, nuts, and beans.

3. Routine exercise
Perform routine exercise. It will help in managing the weight and ensures optimum utilization of sugar.

4. Avoid smoking
Apart from causing various lung diseases, smoking also increases the risk of diabetes by approximately 44% to 61%. People who have quit smoking have reduced the risk of diabetes by 13%.

5. Limit alcohol consumption
Alcohol increases calories, which makes you put on weight. Further, it also increases the level of triglycerides and enhances blood pressure. Limit the consumption of alcohol and do not eat fried snacks with alcohol.

6. Drink adequate quantity of water
Water helps flush out the toxins and keeps you hydrated. It also helps in managing blood sugar and improves insulin response.

7. Monitor your blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of developing diabetes by 60%. High blood pressure also increases the risk of obesity, which is also associated with diabetes.

8. Change your eating habits
Alter your eating habits. Do not eat a large meal in one sitting as it may cause a sudden rise in sugar level. Eat small frequent meals.

9. Maintain your Vitamin D level
Check your vitamin D levels. The deficiency of vitamin D may increase the risk of diabetes. This is because the cells of the pancreas work effectively to produce insulin in the presence of adequate vitamin D levels.

10. Undergo routine checkup
Check your blood sugar level routinely and take adequate measures to control blood sugar.

Doctor's Tip: According to Dr HS Santosh, there are various ways to avoid transformation of pre-diabetes to diabetes. The only thing required is a strict commitment from the person to implement these measures. The most important thing to prevent diabetes is to live a healthy life.