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Euro 2024: Will Mbappe continue playing for France with broken nose? FFF president provides update

FFF president Philippe Diallo has expressed uncertainty about Kylian Mbappe's participation in Euro 2024 following a nose injury, awaiting further medical updates on the Real Madrid star's recovery and potential surgery.

Euro 2024: Will Mbappe continue playing for France with broken nose? FFF president provides update osf
First Published Jun 19, 2024, 4:25 PM IST

France Football Federation (FFF) president Philippe Diallo has emphasized that it is premature to determine whether Kylian Mbappe will continue to play in Euro 2024 after sustaining a broken nose during a match.

Mbappe, the star forward for the French national team and recently signed by Real Madrid, was hospitalised in Dusseldorf after a collision with Austria's Kevin Danso, resulting in a fractured nose. Although immediate surgery was not necessary, plans are being made for Mbappe to wear a protective mask.

Diallo addressed the media in a press conference, expressing uncertainty about Mbappe's recovery timeline and his potential to participate further in the tournament.

"The initial feedback has been positive as there are currently no plans for surgery," Diallo stated. "However, it is still too early to determine whether he will be able to continue playing in the tournament or to provide a definitive schedule for his recovery."

Medical examinations conducted at the site provided some initial conclusions about Mbappe's condition, focusing on minimizing the impact of his injury to allow him to remain in the tournament.

"As I mentioned, no surgery is scheduled at this time, and we are awaiting further developments to understand more about his ability to participate for the remainder of the tournament," Diallo added.

France coach Didier Deschamps remains hopeful about Mbappe's recovery but acknowledged the inevitability of surgery in the future.

"Further examinations will take place tomorrow to assess the evolution of his condition," Deschamps said in a video interview with the France Football Federation. "Our medical staff has taken the necessary steps to minimize the injury as much as possible. Although surgery will not be immediate, it will be necessary."

"Kylian was already feeling somewhat better this morning, so we will continue to monitor his progress closely on a daily basis," he added.

France will closely monitor Mbappe's recovery ahead of their upcoming Euro 2024 matches, with hopes that their star forward can return to action as soon as possible.

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