Massive breakthrough: Scientists reconstruct Pink Floyd song from recorded brain waves; here's how it sounds

By Sunita IyerFirst Published Aug 17, 2023, 5:33 PM IST

Scientists decode Pink Floyd classic 'Another Brick in the Wall' using brain waves, marking a breakthrough in brain signal interpretation, with potential for enhancing speech perception through prosthetic devices.

Researchers are tirelessly exploring the limitless potential of the human brain, utilizing a variety of technologies, including machine learning and neuroscience, to unravel its capabilities. In a recent breakthrough, scientists have managed to reconstruct a beloved Pink Floyd classic by analyzing the recorded brain waves of patients who listened to the song during epilepsy surgery.

This remarkable achievement signifies the first time that a recognizable song has been decoded from recordings of electrical brain activity.

Scientists found a way to translate brain waves into music, using a Pink Floyd song — here's how the tech could be used for communication in the future

— NowThis (@nowthisnews)

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At the University of California, Berkeley, USA, researchers employed artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to decipher brain signals, successfully recreating the iconic 1979 hit "Another Brick In The Wall, Part 1."

As revealed in a study published on Tuesday in PLOS Biology, scientists analyzed a distinct intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) dataset of 29 patients who were exposed to a Pink Floyd song. They applied a stimulus reconstruction approach previously used in the field of speech, leading to the successful recreation of a discernible song. The study also quantified the influence of various factors on the accuracy of decoding.

"A brick in the wall": reconstruction of a song from recorded neural activity, revealing involvement of the in information processing during . Implications for

— PLOS Biology (@PLOSBiology)

The study's authors highlighted that brain signals can be translated to capture the musical elements of speech, encompassing rhythm, stress, accent, and intonation. These elements convey a meaning that words alone cannot articulate.

The researchers envision that their breakthrough could pave the way for pioneering prosthetic devices designed to augment the perception of speech rhythm and melody.

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