Radhashtami 2023: When is Srimati Radharani's birthday? Know date, significance, vrat and more

By Aishwarya Nair  |  First Published Sep 21, 2023, 2:09 PM IST

Radhashtami is the celebration of the appearance of Srimati Radharani, the eternal and transcendental consort of Lord Krishna. This year, Radhashtami will be celebrated on September 23.

Sri Radhashtami is Srimati Radharani's auspicious appearance day. Srimati Radharani is described in the Vedic literature as the supreme Mother of all living things. She is also Lord Krishna's pleasure-potency. The term "Hladini shakti" (which means "pleasure potency of Krishna") refers to Srimati Radharani, Krishna's internal energy, who enhances the transcendental pleasure of Lord Krishna. Radharani appeared 15 days after Shri Krishna's birth. Krishna is the energetic and Radharani is the energy.

In the months of Bhadra (August and September), Sri Radhashtami is observed on the eighth day of the bright fortnight. Radharani was found by her father and King Vrishabhanu in a field while he was plowing. Since he did not have any children, he took or adopted Radharani. Radharani is the only lovable object of Krishna and She is the 'Queen of Vrindavan'.

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Then devotees pray to Her for Krishna's grace so they can advance in their devotional service while keeping a strict fast till noon.

Radhashtami Date and Time:

Ashtami Tithi Begins- September 22, 2023- 1.35 PM
Ashtami Tithi Ends- September 23, 2023- 12.17 PM

How to observe Radhashtami vrat?

Radhashtami is observed by fasting up to twelve noon and then, offering prasadam to the Deity. On this day, devotees also engage in singing the glories of Radha and Krishna and visit temples to take part in grand celebrations, especially in Barsana, Uttar Pradesh. 

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