Kerala: Kozhikode Medical college's biosafety level-3 lab still incomplete despite repeated Nipah outbreaks

By Aishwarya NairFirst Published Sep 17, 2024, 8:49 AM IST

Despite repeated Nipah virus outbreaks in Kerala, the long-promised Biosafety Level 3 lab at Kozhikode Medical College, announced in 2018, remains unfinished. While a basic Biosafety Level 2 lab handles current testing, the advanced Level 3 lab, which would enhance virus research and testing, is still under construction.

Malappuram: Despite repeated outbreaks of the Nipah virus in the state, the lab announced six years ago for sample testing and research at Kozhikode Medical College has yet to be established. The Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) lab and the proposed isolation block, remain incomplete. This marks the sixth time the state has faced the threat of Nipah since the 2018 outbreak, which had a significant impact on the healthcare sector.

Kozhikode Medical College has a Biosafety Level 2 lab for sample testing. While tests for Nipah and other diseases are conducted here, a Biosafety Level 3 lab would offer enhanced safety, enabling more precise sample testing, virus culture, kit development, and research. During the last confirmed Nipah case, the ICMR provided a mobile Level 3 lab unit in Kozhikode. Although final confirmation of the virus must come from Pune's NIV as per ICMR guidelines, a Level 3 lab would provide quicker, more accurate results, expediting preventive measures.

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The Level 3 lab at Kozhikode Medical College, first announced in 2018 following the initial Nipah outbreak, was a much-needed project. The ICMR had allocated Rs 5.5 crore for it in 2019, later increasing the estimate to Rs 11 crore. Despite land allocation and administrative approval, the construction and infrastructure remain incomplete after five years. The Head of Microbiology commented that construction is still in progress.

Alongside the lab, the proposed isolation block has also not been completed. Currently, patients suspected of viral infections are admitted to temporary isolation wards at Kozhikode Medical College. Although land and administrative approval for the isolation block were granted earlier, construction has yet to begin.

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