In a press release, it said, "The Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath CM Yogi had recently directed authorities to prepare a comprehensive action plan for setting up five education townships in the state during a meeting with the representatives of consultancy firm Deloitte India to explore ways to make Uttar Pradesh a $1 trillion economy."
The Uttar Pradesh government is gearing up to develop the country's first education township on the lines of the ones found in the United States of America to enhance quality education in the state. A presentation was recently made before the Chief Secretary following CM Yogi Adityanath's instructions in this regard and has even approved the proposal for building the first education township of the country in the state.
In a press release, it said, "The Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath CM Yogi had recently directed authorities to prepare a comprehensive action plan for setting up five education townships in the state during a meeting with the representatives of consultancy firm Deloitte India to explore ways to make Uttar Pradesh a $1 trillion economy."
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"The government's objective behind the education township is to provide high quality education to the youth and equip them with a variety of professional skills at one place. Built on the idea of 'Single Entry, Multiple Exit' (come like a blank paper and carry multiple skills), the focus of this township will be on high-end education, which will cater to students from not only the country but also African, Latin American and Central Asian countries," it further said.
According to the press release, the private sector will play an important role in this education township. Prestigious government and private universities of the country and the world will be able to open their campuses in the township.
Besides, there will be primary and secondary schools like Atal Residential Schools at the same place. At the same time, universities and colleges will be established for undergraduate and postgraduate studies wherein studies and research works related to management, technology, law and medicine will be carried out.
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Skill development universities will be set up
The education township will also feature skill development universities where training will be imparted to the youth in different types of skills. Besides, many other coaching institutes like Abhyudaya will be started in these education townships so that more and more students can be successful in competitive examinations like NEET, IIT, Union Public Service Commission etc. to be held in the country and the state. Accommodations will be provided to both teachers and students at the education township.
Developed countries have education township system
There is a similar education township in the city of Pittsburgh, USA. Besides, the UAE has Knowledge City and Sharjah has Knowledge Village where there are campuses of prestigious universities from many countries of the world at one place. With the introduction of the 'Single Entry, Multiple Exit' system in the state, students will get cheap and good education here, which will make it much easier for them to start jobs or engage in self-employment after studies. This will also attract students from all over the world to study in Uttar Pradesh.
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Academia hails idea of having education township in UP
Educationists from all over the country have welcomed the idea of building an education township in UP. According to Professor Manoj Dixit, Vice-Chairman of the National Board of Education and former Vice-Chancellor of Ram Manohar Lohia University, the concept of education township will further strengthen the foundation of India's National Education Policy.
Not only India, but all the developing and underdeveloped countries of the world are looking at our National Education Policy with hope, he pointed out.
It will fulfill the concept of affordable education, good education, he said. Professor Dr Rakesh Upadhyay, Founder Chair of the Center for Bharat Studies at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), said the facilities from nursery to higher education to research in different subjects will be available at one place in the educational township. Such a system already exists in some developed countries. At present, the number of foreign students is increasing rapidly in India. Greater Noida of UP is emerging as its big centre.