Launching a scathing attack on Congress in Karnataka's Bidar, PM Modi on Saturday said that the grand-old party had abused him 91 times. "Congress has abused me 91 times. However, every time Congress abuses me, it gets demolished," said PM Modi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his two-day visit to poll-bound Karnataka with a public gathering in Humnabad, Bidar district. Addressing the rally on Saturday, PM Modi said he received Bidar's blessing earlier also and this election is not just for winning, it is an election to make Karnataka the number 1 state in the country.
"The state can only develop when its all parts are developed. This election will decide the role of the state and to make it number 1, double engine government is very important for the state," he added.
He said foreign investment has increased thrice in the state under the BJP regime compared to the Congress regime. "There is double development with double speed in the state. Karnataka is ready for the BJP government again," PM said while addressing a public rally in Bidar district's Humnabad region.
Taking a dig at Congress, PM Modi said: "Congress had only made fake promises to the farmers and people of Karnataka. Farmers of the state have received no benefits under the Congress government." He said the grand old party will never understand the struggle and pain of the poor and only did appeasement politics. He further said that Congress only cares about seats and not about the people of the state and has stalled development in the state.
"Congress has started abusing me again. Every time Congress abuse me, it gets demolished. Congress has abused me 91 times...Let Congress abuse me, I will keep on working for the people of Karnataka," he said.
Speaking about the development of the state, he said, "Karnataka has only drawn record-breaking Foreign Direct Investments under the BJP. Karnataka used to receive yearly FDI of roughly Rs. 30,000 crore during the Congress regime, but under the BJP, this figure has risen to around Rs. 90,000 crore."
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)'s electoral campaign for the Karnataka Assembly elections is likely to gain traction with the PM's visit, who is scheduled to address six public meetings and perform two roadshows until Sunday.