Union Home Minister Amit Shah has taken note of the shocking case of the Delhi woman who died after being dragged by a car for over an hour on New Year's morning. The investigation has been handed to senior Delhi Police officer Shalini Singh and a report has to be submitted to the Union Home Ministry as soon as possible. Know all about her.
On the first day of the New Year in 2023, the Kanjhawala death case in Delhi shocked the country with a horrifying incident for one family in Delhi when their daughter was dragged to death by a car, ultimately leading to a brutal killing.
After the New Year's celebrations, a woman was struck and murdered by a vehicle in the nation's capital when Delhi was deep sleeping. Before the authorities discovered the girl's death in the early hours of January 1, it is said that she was hauled for more than 12 kilometres. According to reports, the victim supported a family of seven alone.
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Home Minister Amit Shah personally requested that top Delhi Police officer IPS Shalini Singh compile an in-depth report given the delicate nature of the circumstance. She was assigned to perform the inquiry and arrived at the location at the same time to evaluate it.
IPS officer Shalini Singh has held a variety of important posts during the course of her career. The Special Commissioner for the Economic Offenses Wing of the Delhi Police is Shalini Singh, an IPS graduate from 1996. Shalini formerly served as the Joint CP Western Range. Shalini Singh was in charge of developing the Delhi Police's farmer's movement plan at the time.
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In the Delhi neighbourhood of Khayala, Shalini Singh used a megaphone to stop the rumour of intercommunal fighting from spreading. She has also held the positions of DCP for the South West and South East. Shalini Singh has also been given a job in IB. She also served in the Andaman Islands and Pondicherry.
In 2004, she tracked out the assassins who killed senior station lieutenant general Harnam Singh and his wife. This event made headlines when the suspects were found near the Nepal border. Shalini's husband, Anil Shukla, is also an IPS. Prior to this, he was assigned to the NIA, where he oversaw the Mumbai Antilia investigation.
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