Want to avoid debt at the end of the month? Here are 5 easy tips to manage finances effectively

First Published Sep 16, 2024, 3:04 PM IST

Many salaried individuals face a cash crunch by the end of the month, often borrowing from friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. This article provides five practical tips for managing finances effectively and avoiding the need to borrow money.

Budget Planning

In today's world, everyone needs more money to meet their personal and family needs. In the past, everyone used to fulfill their personal and family responsibilities. However, expenses have increased in this era. Going to malls and buying things because there are offers, whether needed or not, has become a habit in many families. There are many people who go to shopping malls and markets to pass the time and empty their pockets. One should be able to manage finances in such a way as to reduce such unnecessary expenses.

How to meet needs with salary

If you think that financial management is only for employees who get a big salary, then you are wrong. The Government of India announces the budget for 143 crore people once every five years. When the government is budgeting for all crores of people, how can you not estimate the financial expenditure for your family? If you use a little worldly knowledge, you will know how to meet the needs of the family with the salary you earn. If you spend money according to a good plan, more than half of the problems in your house will be reduced. Here are some tips for financial management. If you learn and implement them, there will be no shortage of money.

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Understand your needs

All companies separately list the expenses incurred by the company and the income coming to the company to find out their net profit or loss. Accordingly, you should follow this method to track and understand your annual or monthly financial transactions. **Important Expenses:** This list includes fixed expenses like electricity bills, mobile bills, children's school fees, groceries, and other household needs. We cannot stop these expenses. **Non-Essential Expenses:** Ordering food from outside, buying unnecessary things are other discretionary expenses. You can control these.

Save for an emergency fund

It is natural for anyone to face an emergency in life. Unforeseen circumstances increase the financial burden. To deal with this situation.. It is very important to set aside a portion of your income every month for emergencies. This is an emergency fund. Unforeseen expenses can be met from the emergency fund. This fund acts as a protection for your family. Keeps your monthly budget safe. If you don't save for an emergency fund, you may have to turn to others in case of an emergency. If no one helps financially at that time, you will face many difficulties.


Along with listing your income and expenses, you should double-check everything. Then you will easily understand which expenses are necessary, which are unnecessary, and which can be adjusted. As a result, your home budget also becomes efficient. Unnecessary expenses are reduced. Money is saved. Then your salary will come by the end of the month. That's why it's important to review your budget regularly.

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