Prashant Kishore alias PK, who is relatively less active on social media, last tweeted on December 21, 2020. On Saturday, Prashant Kishore made a big prediction on Twitter about the upcoming assembly vote. He even demanded that he will leave Twitter if his prediction did not match.
Prashant Kishore, the founder of IPAC and now an adviser to the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal, claims that the BJP will not cross the two-letter line. In other words, he thinks that the BJP will not get even 100 seats in the 294-seat assembly.
Prashant Kishore’s tweet was in response to Home Minister Amit Shah’s statement that he has set ‘200 out of 294 seats’ target for the party’s West Bengal wing ahead of polls in 2021.
Earlier, BJP national vice-president Mukul Roy claimed that the ruling TMC will not get even 100 seats out of the total 294 in the West Bengal assembly polls in 2021.
West Bengal elections will be held in eight phases from March 27 to April 29 making it the longest ever polls in the state.