What is the mystery behind Apple setting time on iPhones, iPads as 9:41 during launch?

First Published Sep 11, 2024, 1:28 PM IST

The reason why Apple products in promotional materials always display 9:41 can be traced back to Steve Jobs' keynote presentations. The time was strategically chosen to align with the anticipated moment of the product reveal, creating a sense of precision and realism for the audience.

Have you ever noticed how Apple products such as iPhones and iPads in every promotional photo are set to 9.41? In the advertising movies and images, the freshly introduced iPhone 16 is also seen at 9.41. It turns out that the coincidence was actually a well-considered decision. Apple items were purportedly seen on camera earlier, with a timing of 9.42.

The answer lies in Apple founder Steve Jobs and his meticulously crafted product launch presentations, Scott Forstall, former senior vice president of iOS software at Apple and leader of the original iPhone and iPad software development team, told Inc.com. 

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"We design the keynotes so that the big reveal of the product happens around 40 minutes into the presentation," he explained. "We want the time displayed when the large image of the product shows on screen to be almost accurate to the time that the audience's watches actually show. But we are aware that we won't reach the precise 40 minutes."

Team Apple allowed itself an additional few minutes and set the devices to 9.42 am in product images since they would rather be early than late. However, Jobs seemed to be revealing the first iPhone at 9:41 am, therefore the phone's picture was set for that time when he rehearsed his presentation.

The first picture of the phone with its screen switched on flashed on the enormous screen behind Jobs when he unveiled the first iPhone at MacWorld 2007 at 9:41 a.m. According to Inc.com, Forstall stated, "We made it 41 minutes for the iPad, so it turned out we were pretty accurate with that estimate." "And there you are--the secret of the magic time."

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