Learn this easy recipe to make ghee at home in just 10 minutes

First Published Aug 30, 2024, 3:05 PM IST

Did you know that making ghee at home is very easy? One woman made ghee in just ten minutes. The video related to it was shared on social media and it went viral.

There is no need to specifically mention how good ghee is for health. Ghee contains healthy fats. If eaten in moderation, it can provide us with many benefits. That's why most people want to include ghee in their diet regularly. But these days, no one makes ghee at home. They are mostly buying outside. Because making ghee is not that easy. You have to stand by the stove for a long time and keep stirring. Who would take such a risk? But... one woman made ghee in just ten minutes. The video related to it was shared on social media and it went viral.

In that video, the woman showed how to make ghee very simply. Making ghee is not a one-day process. Every day we store the cream from the milk or the curd. After ten days, we mix it all together. The woman in this video did the same. However, she did it very simply.

She took all the cream she had stored in a bowl. She waited for it to come to normal temperature. After that, she put all the cream in a cooker and added some water to it. After that, she closed the cooker lid and let out one whistle. That's it. After that, she removed the whistle and poured it into another bowl and put it on the stove and boiled it for five minutes. 

Click here for a video on how to make ghee..

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When heated like this, all the water evaporates. Then add a quarter spoon of baking powder and boil it. After that, filter the ghee and you are done. We get fresh ghee in just ten minutes. If we want to make ghee at home, we have to make buttermilk out of the cream, extract butter, and then make ghee. But... in the process described by this woman, there is no need for so much effort. It happens very quickly. Her method of making ghee impressed many. Netizens are shocked that ghee can be made so simply. Many people have doubts about whether the ghee available in the market is pure or not. If it is this ghee, we make it at home, so we can enjoy it without any fear. 

Ghee Oil

Health benefits of eating ghee...

1. Improved digestive system..
It is said that if you eat one spoon of ghee every day in the morning on an empty stomach, any digestive problems you have will go away. 
 Ghee is a powerhouse for digestive health. It can relieve problems like bloating and gas. This is because ghee helps stimulate the secretion of stomach acids, kickstarting the digestive process. Breaks down food smoothly. Then the food is easily digested and the nutrients reach our body.

Ghee Benefits

2. Removes toxins...
Ghee helps us in removing harmful toxins from our body. It makes you fit and healthy in the morning
3. Good for gut health
Ghee is good for our gut health. If your gut is not healthy, you will not be able to absorb the necessary nutrients from your food. If you start consuming ghee every day, it will gradually improve your gut lining. Helps your bowel movements.

4. Helps in weight loss..
Everyone thinks that eating ghee makes you gain weight. But.. eating a spoonful of ghee every morning helps in weight loss. 
Ghee has a fatty acid profile. It helps in increasing metabolism. This indirectly supports your weight management efforts. 

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