Did you know that Ranbir Kapoor, undoubtedly the most gifted actor in Bollywood, was the first kid in his family to graduate from class 10? Yes. When questioned about his class 10 grade in a recent chat, he said, "53.4%," and added, "When my results came in, my family was so thrilled that they kept a great celebration for me."
The first boy in my family to complete his tenth-grade examinations is me. The fans will undoubtedly be startled by this knowledge. They didn't have any hopes.
Ranbir, who is doing all in his power to promote his movie, most recently worked with Dolly Singh, a social media influencer. When asked about his class ten board examinations in the humorous video with "Raju Ki Mummy," the actor said that he had received a score of 53.4 per cent. He also said that he had passed class 10 examinations, becoming the first male in his family to do so.
Ranbir recently discussed his first time sharing a screen with Vaani Kapoor and remarked, "We truly loved each other's company. I found what she did in "Shamshera" to be extremely remarkable, and I'm interested to see what people will make of her performance and character. People will have to watch the movie to really grasp her significance since she plays a very essential part. Also Read: Will Laal Singh Chaddha be Aamir Khan's big disaster? Here's what KRK claimed