Indian megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is renowned for his active presence on social media, shared a thoughtful post on Instagram early Friday morning. The post highlighted the nation’s collective mourning of prominent figures who passed away in 2024, transcending religious boundaries. Big B emphasized that despite their diverse faiths, these individuals were remembered as Indians first and foremost.
The post featured a poignant cartoon depicting Ratan Tata, Manmohan Singh, Zakir Hussain, and Shyam Benegal in heaven. Bachchan's message resonated with the sentiment that their passing united the country in grief, showcasing a sense of national pride and unity that surpassed religion. This reflection on shared loss sparked positive reactions from social media users.
A comment by veteran actress Nafisa Ali under the post garnered significant attention. She praised Bachchan for his inclusive perspective and wished him well, writing, “You should be the President of India.” Ali’s heartfelt remark celebrated the actor’s vision of unity and inclusivity, which many felt was the true spirit of India.
The deaths of these eminent personalities in 2024 deeply affected the nation. Ratan Tata, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain, and filmmaker Shyam Benegal all left a lasting impact. Their passing served as a reminder of India’s strength in unity, as the nation mourned their loss without distinction of religion or background.