
Want to reduce weight? Get slimmer with these 7 weight loss drinks

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Lemon and honey

Drinking lemon and honey mixed in lukewarm water helps control body weight.

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Cinnamon water

Reduce cravings to consume sweet and high-calorie foods.

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Beetroot juice

It contains low calories and a high amount of fiber.

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Fenugreek water

Fenugreek water, made by soaking fenugreek seeds in water, is believed to help in weight loss.

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Gooseberry juice

It helps in controlling body weight. 

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Drinking lemon mixed with lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning is good

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Cumin water

The fiber present in cumin water helps in digestion.

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Be advised:

Make changes to your diet only after consulting a healthcare professional or a nutritionist.

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