
Things to remember during heavy rainfall

Heavy rainfall can be dangerous, but there are steps you can take to stay safe. Here are some things to remember:

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Stay indoors

Avoid traveling and stay indoors during heavy rainfall. If you're already outside, seek shelter immediately.

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Avoid flooded areas

Steer clear of flooded areas, as they can be contaminated with sewage, chemicals, and other hazards.

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Keep emergency numbers handy

Save emergency numbers like your local flood control hotline and emergency services on your phone.

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Unplug Appliances

Unplug appliances and electronics to prevent damage from power surges.

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Keep a first aid kit ready

Have a first aid kit on hand in case of accidents or injuries.

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Check weather updates

Stay informed about weather conditions through reliable sources like the weather app, news, or official weather services.

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Be cautious of landslides

In hilly areas, be aware of the risk of landslides. Avoid slopes and stay alert to any changes in the terrain.

Image credits: Pixabay

Use sandbags

If flooding is a concern, use sandbags to prevent water from entering your home.

Image credits: Pixabay
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