A son born in Ramadan is a special gift from Allah, so his name should be full of blessings, peace, and spirituality. Choose from 20 unique Arabic names.
Muhammad - The name of the last prophet of Islam, meaning praiseworthy.
Ahmad - Meaning the most praised.
Fazal - Allah's grace and favor.
Hasan - Meaning "beautiful, virtuous, and good".
Amaan - Meaning "safety and peace".
Raheel - Meaning "traveler".
Furqan - One who distinguishes between right and wrong.
Tahir - Pure and holy.
Salman - Symbol of peace and security.
Ziyan - Meaning "light and radiance".
Ilham - Meaning "inspiration and knowledge".
Nooran - "One with double light".
Rahat - Meaning "comfort and ease".
Zubair - Meaning "brave and intelligent".
Meeran - Meaning "peaceful and respected".
Ibaad - Meaning "a righteous servant of Allah".
Sadiq - "True and honest".
Ijaz - "Miraculous and unique".
Kareem - "Kind and generous".
Malik - "King and ruler".