
What is Fatwa?

The religious ruling issued against Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi for attending Ram Mandir inauguration

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The incident

A fatwa has been issued against Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, the chief Imam of All India Imam Organization, for attending the Ram Temple inauguration ceremony in Ayodhya.

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What is Fatwa

A fatwa is a religious decree or opinion delivered by an Islamic scholar or mufti. 

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When is Fatwa issued

It is frequently issued in answer to a Muslim's question about Islamic law or philosophy, and it is not legally obligatory. 

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Derived from

The term fatwa is derived from the Arabic root f-t-y, which means "to decide" or "to give an opinion."

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Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi

Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi said he had been receiving threatening calls since he attended the event.

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why Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi attended Ram Mandir ceremony

He said, "Those who hate me for attending the ceremony should perhaps go to Pakistan. I've given a message of love."

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