
Perseid Meteor Shower 2024: What is it? When, where can you watch it

The Perseid meteor shower, one of the most renowned annual meteor showers, will peak during the late night of August 11, extending into the early hours of August 12

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Peak Viewing Times

The Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak late Sunday night into Monday morning. The optimal viewing period is from around 11 PM or midnight until dawn

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The Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseid meteor shower derives its name from Perseus constellation. Known for its bright, swift meteors, it’s considered most prolific showers, with up to 100 meteors per hour

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Fireballs and Larger Explosions

Perseids are renowned for their fireballs—large, bright explosions of light and color that outshine typical meteor streaks. These are caused by larger cometary particles

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Origins of Meteors

Meteors are fragments from comets or asteroids. As Earth traverses dusty trails left by comets, these particles burn up upon entering atmosphere, creating stunning streaks of light

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Comet 109/Swift-Tuttle

The Perseid meteor shower's debris comes from Comet 109/Swift-Tuttle, which takes 133 years to orbit the Sun. Discovered in 1862 by Swift, Tuttle, nucleus measures 26 km

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Fireballs Research

Research from 2013 shows that the Perseid meteor shower generates the highest number of fireballs compared to other meteor showers

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How to Watch the Shower

To view the Perseid meteor shower, choose a location away from city lights and pollution. Use interactive maps like or for guidance

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Watching from India

For those in India, Perseid meteor shower can be seen under similar conditions. To enjoy celestial event fully, find dark location away from urban areas for best viewing experience

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