
Municipal bonds to CDs: 7 risk-free investments to make money

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Savings Accounts

Deposit your money into a savings account at a bank. While the returns are low, your principal is typically insured up to a certain limit by government-backed schemes.

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Certificates of Deposit CDs

Higher interest than savings accounts for locking funds for a fixed term. Low-risk, especially from reputable banks.

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Treasury Securities

These U.S. government bonds are considered one of the safest investments. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are available with varying maturities from a few days to 30 years.

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Municipal Bonds

Issued by governments for public projects they are relatively safe and backed by taxing power, often federal tax-exempt.

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High-Quality Corporate Bonds

Bonds issued by stable and financially strong corporations are considered lower risk compared to those issued by riskier companies. 

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Fixed Annuities

Insured products with guaranteed returns over a fixed period and also provides steady income and principal protection.

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Money Market Funds

Invest in short-term, high-quality debt securities and aim for a stable NAV of $1, suitable for capital preservation.

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