
Kylian Mbappe's nutritious diet: fueling success on and off the pitch

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Balanced Breakfast:

Mbappe starts his day with a balanced breakfast consisting of boiled eggs with avocado or almond butter. He includes porridge, which offers carbohydrates for sustained energy.

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Nourishing Lunch:

For his midday meal, Mbappe opts for a nourishing combination of chicken or tuna wrap, which offers lean protein, and a side salad packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

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Smart Snacking:

To keep his energy levels up throughout the day, Mbappe incorporates protein bars as a snack between meals.

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Sustaining Evening Snack

During the late afternoon, Mbappe fuels his body with a protein shake, which helps repair and build his muscles after training sessions. He also snacks on fruits or dry fruits.

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Wholesome Dinner:

Kylian Mbappe's dinner includes fish or chicken as a lean source of protein, along with brown rice for complex carbohydrates and vegetables for fibre and essential vitamins.

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