
Know how to cook Rice: Here are 7 steps to follow

Follow these tried-and-tested steps for perfect rice every time. The following seven methods to master making rice on the stove every time

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Rinse the rice

Put 1 cup of rice and two cups of water in a big saucepan. Use 1 part liquid to 2/3 parts rice if you like slightly less mushy rice.

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Bring the water to a boil

Once it's boiling, add a big pinch of salt.

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Maintain a simmer

To keep anything at a low simmer, turn the stove low, cover the pot, and firmly ensure the lid is on.

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Cook without stirring

It takes around 18 minutes of cooking time for the water to be absorbed. Wait to open the lid until the last minute to prevent steam from escaping. 

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Let the rice rest covered

Cover the rice and remove it from the heat; let it sit for 10 minutes. The rice will get more fluff from the steaming process.

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Fluff the rice with a fork/ spoon

Ensure the rice doesn't clump together by gently mixing and lifting the grains with a fork or spoon. 

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