
Kangaroo to Koala-6 Animals that do not drink water

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Sand Gazelle: Arabian Desert

The sand gazelle can survive with little water by absorbing moisture from the plants it consumes. It also contains modifications to decrease water loss.

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Thorny Devil: Australian deserts

This lizard absorbs water through its skin from the moisture in the sand or dew. It can channel water from its skin to its mouth without drinking.

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Fogstand Beetle: Namib Desert in Africa

This beetle collects water from fog by standing on ridges with its body at an angle. The droplets of water roll down into its mouth, meaning it doesn’t traditionally drink water.

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Desert Tortoise: Southwestern United States

These tortoises absorb water from the plants they consume and may retain it in their bodies for extended durations. They drink seldom, if at all.

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Koala: Eucalyptus forests in Australia

Koalas get most of their water from the eucalyptus leaves they consume, which have high water content. They rarely need to drink water.

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Kangaroo Rat: Deserts of North America

Koalas get most of their water from the eucalyptus leaves they consume, which have high water content. They rarely need to drink water.

Image credits: Getty
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