
How to clean your watch at home? Easy tips and tricks

How to clean your watch at home

From children to the elderly, the trend of wearing watches is quite old. You also use it in everyday life but have you ever cleaned the watch?

How to clean a hand watch

We often clean clothes, shoes, and slippers, but we forget to clean the watch, so today we will tell you some hacks that you can use to clean the watch.

Clean the watch with soap

Bathing soap will help clean the watch. Prepare lather by adding soap to warm water and clean the watch strap or chain with the help of a brush.

Tomato ketchup will work

To clean your watch strap, dip it in a little ketchup for 5-10 minutes, then brush it clean for a shine.

Baking soda

Baking soda acts as a natural dishwasher. Mix baking powder with half a cup of lukewarm water and two spoons of lemon, then soak the strap to remove dirt.


For a cheap solution, rub a lemon on the watch strap. For less effort, dip the strap in lemon juice and let it soak for 10 minutes.


You can make the old one shine using toothpaste. First, prepare a solution by mixing a little toothpaste in water and clean it with the help of a brush.

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