
Happy Birthday Mark Zuckerberg: 7 unknown facts about Facebook founder

Unveil the lesser-known layers of Mark Zuckerberg: from his linguistic prowess and hacker roots to his philanthropic endeavors and unique personal quirks

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Mark Zuckerberg is proficient in multiple languages. He has demonstrated his Mandarin skills during various public events, including a Q&A session at Tsinghua University

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Gray T-Shirt Uniform

This minimalist approach to clothing choice is partly inspired by his desire to streamline his daily decision-making process, allowing him to focus on more important matters

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Hacker Reputation

Before creating Facebook, Zuckerberg was known for his skills as a programmer and hacker. In high school, he created a program called ZuckNet

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Zuckerberg is an accomplished musician, particularly on the guitar. He's been known to play and sing in public on occasion. In 2017, he even posted a video on Facebook

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Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have pledged to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

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Vision Impairment

Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind, which has influenced some of Facebook's design choices

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Pet Dog

Zuckerberg has a Hungarian sheepdog named Beast, who has gained a considerable following on Facebook and Instagram. Beast even has his own Facebook page

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