
Golden Retriever to Beagle-7 Dog breeds that are a big time foodie

Here are seven dog breeds that are serious foodies.

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Labrador Retriever

Labradors are notorious for their insatiable appetites. They love food and are often highly motivated by treats, making them relatively easy to train. 

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Beagles have an incredible sense of smell and a strong love for food. They are always looking for a tasty treat and can be quite persistent in their search for snacks.

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Small dogs with huge appetites are food-driven. They enjoy food and may use it to train, but their small height and weight growth demand portion management and regular exercise.

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Pugs are known for their love of food and can be quite the little gluttons if given the chance. They have a tendency to gain weight easily, so it's important to monitor their diet.

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Golden Retriever

Like their Labrador cousins, Golden Retrievers are big fans of food. They are generally very food-motivated, which can be an asset in training. 

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Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels have a strong affinity for food and treats. They are often very motivated by food rewards, which can make training easier.

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Bulldogs are known for their love of eating and can be quite persistent regarding food. Their stocky build makes them prone to weight gain, so monitoring their diet.

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