
Girlfriend Kiss: World's most kissable plant

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What is Girlfriend kiss?

Palicourea elata is a tropical plant that ranges from Central to South American rain forests in countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia.

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Hot Lips

It is most notable for its distinctly shaped red bracts and is consequently nicknamed “Hot Lips”. They are not the actual flowers of the plant but instead extravagant leaves.

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Rubiaceae family

The Rubiaceae family is recognizable for having simple, opposite leaves with interpetiolar stipules that can come in the form of herbs, lianas, or shrubs like P. elata.

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Cannot be replicated

It's difficult to replicate P. elata as climatic conditions must be warm, humid and moist. Otherwise, it will not grow.

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Health Benefits

The barks and leaves are used for treating skin rashes, ear problems and coughs.

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Valentine's Day gift

Despite earning the name Hooker’s lips, they are still considered sweet Valentine’s gifts.  In Central America, it is common as an expression of love.

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Deforestation throughout Palicourea elata's natural range has made it endangered. 

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