
Chingri Malai to Khichuri-7 Bengali dishes to enjoy during monsoon

Here are seven popular Bengali foods you might like.

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Chingri Macher Malai Curry

A rich and creamy prawn curry made with coconut milk, often flavoured with mustard paste and served with steamed rice.

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A savoury rice and lentil dish cooked with vegetables and spices, often enjoyed with fried eggplant or bhaja (fritters).

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Assorted deep-fried snacks like beguni (batter-fried eggplant), fuluri (batter-fried vegetables), and chop (potato or vegetable croquettes).

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Bhapa Pitha

Steamed rice cakes filled with a sweet coconut or jaggery filling, often enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

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Shorshe Ilish

Hilsa fish cooked in mustard gravy, a delicacy that's much anticipated during the monsoon months.

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Mishti Doi

Sweetened yogurt, which is thick and creamy, is often served chilled as a dessert to balance out the spicy and savory flavors of other dishes.

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Macher Jhol

A light fish curry flavored with turmeric, ginger, and sometimes mustard oil, typically served with rice.

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