
Avocado Toast to Fresh Fruit-7 perfect breakfast for summers

Summer mornings require light, refreshing breakfast alternatives that deliver energy without weighing you down. Here are seven wonderful summer breakfast choices.

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Avocado bread

Spread mashed avocado on whole-grain bread and top with tomatoes, cucumber, sea salt, and black pepper. A little olive oil or lemon juice adds flavour.

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Cold Cereal with Fresh Fruit

For a crisp, refreshing breakfast, sprinkle low-sugar whole-grain cereal with sliced strawberries, bananas, or peaches and pour milk over it.

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Greek Yogurt Parfai

In a glass or container, layer Greek yoghurt with berries, peaches, or kiwi. Add granola or chopped almonds between layers for crunch. This parfait is healthy and tasty.

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Chia Seed Pudding

In a container or bowl, combine chia seeds and coconut or almond milk. Mix with honey or maple syrup. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight to thicken.

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Overnight Oats

Mix rolled oats with milk or yoghurt in a container or dish. Sweeten with chia seeds, cut fruits, and honey or maple syrup. Refrigerate it overnight and serve cool in the morning.

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Smoothie Bowl

Blend your favourite berries, bananas, and mangoes with yoghurt or coconut water. Add granola, sliced fruits, nuts, and seeds to a bowl of smoothie for texture and nutrition.

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Egg and Veggie Wraps

Add chopped bell peppers, spinach, and mushrooms to scrambled eggs. Spread the mixture on a whole-grain tortilla, top with cheese, and wrap. Accompany it with salsa or avocado.

Image credits: Freepik
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