
Acidity home remedies: Easy way to get rid of heart burn in 5 minutes

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Eating a ripe banana can help reduce acid reflux due to its natural antacid properties.

Image credits: Freepik

Chamomile Tea:

Sip on chamomile tea to relax the digestive system and relieve acid reflux symptoms.

Image credits: Freepik

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it to regulate acidity.

Image credits: Freepik


Chew on a small piece of ginger or make ginger tea to soothe acid reflux.

Image credits: Freepik

Baking Soda:

Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water to neutralize stomach acid.

Image credits: Freepik

Aloe Vera Juice:

Consuming aloe vera juice can provide relief from heartburn and acidity.

Image credits: Freepik

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