
7 ways to prevent internet scams and frauds

Here are seven effective ways to avoid online fraud:

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Stay Informed

Stay current on internet scams and fraud. Knowledge is your greatest defence against scammers. Follow govt sites, cybersecurity blogs, and trustworthy news sites to stay informed.

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Verify Websites

Make sure the site is secure before entering personal or financial info. Website validity may be verified via HTTPS, a padlock in the URL bar, and reviews or corporate contact.

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Use Strong Passwords

Create strong, unique passwords for all online accounts. Do not use "password123" or popular phrases. 

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Be Wary of Suspicious Emails

Fraudsters often steal personal information via phishing emails. Beware of emails requesting sensitive information, urgent requests, or bad language and spelling. 

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Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication requires a password and an additional verification mechanism, such as a phone or email code, to secure your accounts. 

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Educate Yourself and Others

Inform relatives, friends, and coworkers about internet scams. Explain typical frauds, warning signals, and prevention. 

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Monitor Your Accounts Regularly

Check bank statements, credit card transactions, and internet accounts regularly for questionable behaviour. Report any unauthorised transactions or strange charges to your bank.

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