
7 ways to cut your electric bill during summers

Reducing your power cost over the summer can help you save money while lowering your environmental impact. Here are 7 methods to save money on your electricity bill this summer.

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Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Install energy-efficient air conditioners, freezers, and washers. Look for ENERGY STAR appliances, which satisfy high energy efficiency criteria.

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Adjust Your Thermostat

When gone from home or asleep, raise your thermostat. Increasing the temperature by a few degrees can considerably lower cooling expenses.

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Close Curtains and Blinds

Use curtains, blinds, or shades to screen sunlight and limit heat intake in your home during the warmest hours. This can lower indoor temperatures and minimise AC use.

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Seal Air Leaks

Seal windows, doors, and ducts to prevent cold air from escaping and heated air from entering. To save energy, air leaks can be sealed using weatherstripping, caulking/ insulation.

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Use Fans

Airflow and cooling can be achieved via ceiling or portable fans. Fans utilise less energy than air conditioners and may chill you without reducing the indoor temperature.

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Reduce Heat Sources

Avoid midday heat-generating activities like hob and oven cooking, which boost indoor temperatures and strain your air conditioner. Use an outside microwave, slow cooker, or grill.

Image credits: Freepik

Use Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat will change the temperature on your schedule. Optimise energy use by raising the temperature when you're away and lowering it when you return.

Image credits: Social media/AP Palace hotel

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