
7 effects of quitting refined sugar for a week

Giving up refined sugar for a week can have several positive effects on your body and overall well-being. Here are 7 things that may happen

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Less Sugar Cravings

Quitting sugar for a week can reduce cravings for it by cutting the cycle of sugar addiction.

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Improved Taste

Avoiding refined sugar for a week can improve taste sensitivity to more subtle flavours. So after a week you may find that you enjoy food flavours more.

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Weight Loss

Sugar is a high calorie food substance, so quitting it for a week can lead to short term weight loss.

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Better Mood

Excessive sugar can mess up our mood. Avoiding it can contribute to good mood.

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Better Digestion

Sugar can also mess up with gut bacteria that helps in digestion. So cutting it out for a week may improve digestion.

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Better Skin Health

Refined sugar can cause acne and pimples. Quitting it may lead to clearer and healthier skin.

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Stable Blood Sugar

When you quit refined sugar for a week your blood sugar will become more stable, leading to fewer energy spikes and more mental focus.

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