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Suchana Seth case: Son's death raises deeper unanswered questions

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1. Tragic unfolding

The case of Suchana Seth allegedly murdering her four-year-old son has unfolded over the past 48 hours, leaving a trail of shock and questions.

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2. Murky details

Despite the emerging information, the incident's details remain elusive, raising inquiries about the motive behind a mother's tragic act against her own child.

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3. Initial triggers

Seth's arrest with her son's body hidden in luggage exposed the heartbreaking reality. Initial inquiries highlighted her possessiveness toward her child post his birth.

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4. Puzzling circumstances

While police assert Seth's motive was to prevent her estranged husband from meeting their son, the reasoning behind such a drastic step remains unclear.

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5. Mystery unfolds

The CEO's trip to Goa and the subsequent alleged murder followed by an abrupt return to Bengaluru in a span of 48 hours remains a puzzling aspect of the case.

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6. Perplexing actions

Seth's actions, including her social media posts and the use of cough syrup, add complexity to the situation, leaving investigators searching for concrete answers.

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7. Ongoing investigation

The investigation, uncovering more details like the child's cause of death by suffocation and Seth's attempts at self-harm, continues to grapple with perplexing mysteries.

Image credits: Pexels
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