India News

Explore Narendra Modi’s Journey: From tea seller to prime minister

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Humble Beginnings

Modi was born in Vadnagar, Gujarat, and assisted his father in selling tea at the local railway station, showcasing his early work ethic and resilience.


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Early Political Interest

At the age of eight, Modi was introduced to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), where he began attending sessions and was mentored by Lakshman Rao Inamdar.

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Educational Pursuits

Modi completed his high school education in 1967, earned a Bachelor’s degree in political science in 1978, and a Master’s degree from Gujarat University in 1982.


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Political Involvement

During the 1975 Emergency, Modi went underground to avoid arrest, later writing a book about the period, and continued his involvement in political activities.


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Rise in Politics

Modi’s political career gained momentum as he held key roles in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014.

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Prime Ministerial Role

In May 2014, Modi led the BJP to a historic victory in the general elections and became the 14th Prime Minister of India, marking the culmination of his political journey.

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