How much does Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's new luxurious bungalow in Bandra cost? The couple plans to move in with daughter Raha this Diwali.
Alia and Ranbir have been seen in Bandra watching the construction of their luxurious new villa. Recent rumours suggest the couple is preparing to move into their dream house.
Sources said they and Raha are preparing to celebrate Diwali in their new home. As word of their move travels online, fans wonder how much their magnificent villa costs.
Krishna Raj is Alia and Ranbir Kapoor's new home. Named after Ranbir's grandma. Apparently, Ranbir's grandparents, Raj Kapoor and Krishna Raj, owned the home.
Alia Bhatt reportedly spent a lot on houses. According to TOI, she paid 37.80 crore for a Bandra West flat and Rs. 2.26 crore in stamp duty.
Alia gave her sister Shaheen two properties and this Bandra flat. Alia and Ranbir live in Vastu at Pali Hills, Bandra. Her family left Alia and Ranbir Krishna Raj, their new home.
"The bungalow is emotional to the family, thus everyone is participating in its creation. Ranbir and Alia take time from their busy schedules to monitor job status "HT source.