Malayalam actor Vijay Babu: Actress says, "He intoxicated me with alcohol, raped me several times"
According to sources, the complainant said that Vijay Babu assaulted her in a Kochi flat, and that the incident was repeated by the accused many times. Now the actress has revealed her side on a Facebook post; read
Vijay Babu, a Malayalam cinema actor and producer, has been charged with rape in Kerala's Ernakulam. A Malayalam actress has filed a rape accusation against him when she was auditioning for roles. Vijay Babu has been missing since then. According to sources, the police have issued a watch notice for him, and searches have begun outside of Kerala.
Vijay Babu is accused with sexual assault, criminal intimidation, and wilfully inflicting harm under sections 376, 506, and 323 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The case has been filed with the City Commissioner's office in Ernakulam. "I respect the law of the nation, but I am the victim, and my identity has been revealed. Why shouldn't the other party's identity be revealed as well? "In a blatant breach of the law, Vijay claims and names the young actor in his Facebook Live. He claims she was cast in one of his films after an audition, and that he had never 'chatted with her' during that period. Also Read: Malayalam Actor Vijay Babu's net worth, family, education and more
Now, a few hours ago, the actress opened up about the whole incident on Facebook page name Women Against Sexual Harassment, here what she said, "I am an actress in the Malayalam film industry for the past few years. Actor and Producer VIJAY BABU who runs the company FRIDAY FILM HOUSE has physically assaulted me including sexual exploitation from the dates 13/03/22 - 14/ 04/2022."
"I have known him for few years in the industry and had worked together with him for a movie. Through this time he gained my trust by being friendly and advising me as I was a newcomer in the film industry with no proper guidance . He behaved like my saviour for my personal and professional problems but under the guise has sexually exploited me. His modus operandi was pulling me into the trap with the role of a saviour cum friend cum lover, thereafter intoxicating me and sexually abusing me. Whenever I was conscious, I denied consent for engaging in sex. But for him it was never an issue and disregarding my protest he has raped me several times during the past 1 ½ months. He intoxicated me with alcohol and always used to force me to take happy pills but I denied. When I was incapable of saying yes or no consciously , he used my body as a tool for his pleasure."
The actress, "He has forced himself on me and even forced me into oral sex in a car against my will. I was in a state of shock , incapable to talk or respond. Each time I tried to run away from this trauma, he would come after me with false promises of marriage. There are also several witnesses to the trauma he has put me through . Every time we met , he used to offer me characters in his upcoming films. But that wasn’t my intention. I was under his control and was scared to speak up because of the clout , influence and power he wielded in the film industry. It was a trap to use me .He was even controlling over my career and films. One day for denying sex he stamped forcefully on my stomach when I was on my periods . He spit sputum on my face and forced himself on me against my will. I was too traumatised to realise what was happening at that time but today I realise I was subjected to rape. He even forced sex when I was on periods was never concerned about my physical health. He was like a monster to me.
"I was weeping inside with the fear to talk about it because of his clout in the film industry. I got to know that there are several other women who has been subjected to this trap by Vijay Babu. He has recorded a nude video of mine and threatened me with its consequences and also threatened my life . I fear for his blackmail and for my safety. I am not keeping my mouth shut anymore. I can’t take this pain anymore. I strongly believe I will get justice for the sexual and physical assaults I have gone through by Vijay Babu. No one should go through this pain and trauma anymore in their life. I ask all the women who had this experience from him and are silenced to speak up because together we can stop him from exploiting another girl.
N.B : I will take strict legal action against those who victim shame me or attack me personally on social media or otherwise try to tarnish my image and identity.
The alleged rape occurred in April, according to police sources, and the lady was submitted to a medical examination. Sandra Thomas, an actor and co-producer, had filed an assault lawsuit against Vijay Babu a few years ago, but it was eventually dropped. Also Read: Malayalam actor Vijay Babu accused of sexual assault, responds in Facebook Live session (Video)