North Korea claims its spy satellite took photos of White House, Pentagon

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Nov 28, 2023, 11:20 AM IST

The announcement comes amidst a history of North Korean claims regarding satellite accomplishments. Leader Kim Jong Un reportedly viewed the images, expanding the list of alleged photographs taken by the reconnaissance probe launched on November 21

North Korea has claimed that its recently launched spy satellite, orbiting in space since last week, successfully captured images of high-profile US locations, including the White House, Pentagon, and nearby US naval stations. The announcement adds to North Korea's list of claimed photographs taken by its reconnaissance probe, launched on November 21, which, according to state media, were viewed by leader Kim Jong Un.

On Saturday, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that Kim visited the Pyongyang General Control Center of the National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA) and examined new photos taken by the military spy satellite. The images reportedly included "major target regions" such as Seoul, South Korean cities hosting American military bases, and even areas within North Korea and parts of Hawaii.

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The report stated that Kim discussed the operational preparation and reconnaissance mission plans for the satellite. KCNA issued a separate commentary warning the United States to consider the "catastrophic consequences" of supplying weapons to South Korea.

South Korea, having retrieved one of North Korea's spy satellites after a failed launch earlier this year, concluded that the technology had limited military value. While Seoul believes North Korea's satellite technology is rudimentary, it acknowledges its potential role in enhancing targeting capabilities for nuclear strikes.

North Korea had previously announced the formal commencement of the satellite's reconnaissance mission on December 1, but KCNA now indicates that the fine-tuning process is being expedited, potentially concluding one or two days earlier.

Despite North Korea's claims, there has been no external confirmation regarding the operational status of the satellite, and no images have been released to the public. The White House National Security Council expressed skepticism, stating that the US cannot independently verify North Korea's assertions and condemning the use of ballistic missile technology for space launches, deeming it a violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

North Korea has a history of making bold claims regarding satellite achievements, with previous instances resulting in skepticism from the international community.

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