Pakistan TV anchor asks 'how many can sit in F1 car'? Old video goes viral

In this viral clip from a 2016 edition of Good Morning Pakistan, television anchor Nida Yasir struggles to comprehend the meaning of the term "Formula 1."

Pakistani social media and journalists are a continual supply of meme content. Now and again, a humorous video or image emerges from the country's media, keeping netizens amused. A similar video has reappeared on social media this time, and it has gone viral. 

In this viral clip from a 2016 edition of Good Morning Pakistan, television anchor Nida Yasir struggles to comprehend the meaning of the term "Formula 1." Yasir is speaking with two men in the video, struggling to explain to her that a Formula One vehicle only has one seat. Yasir inquires, "So, you started with one [person], little car?" Yasir thinks Formula 1 is a scientific formula or experiment at one point, prompting her to remark, "So you have invented the formula yet? Have you tried anything?"

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Why this lady didn't Google what Formula 1 is before the show?

— Ali Qasim (@aliqasim)

When the funny video reappeared, netizens couldn't stop themselves from responding to it.

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After watching Nida Yasir program, Formula car companies trying to make formula of three seater Formula car. 😂😂🤣.

— M.Saad (@MSaad29201482)

Pakistan.. knowledge ...and people three different things will never get to gather

— yash khara (@KharaYash)

Lewis Hamilton be like: 🤦‍♂️😂😂

— Unapologetic Hindu💭 (@RakhtaCharitrra)

Also Read | Watch: Pakistan minister cuts ribbon with teeth, netizens react

Thank god, she didn't say, bachon ko desakte hai kya yeh formula? 😂 🤣

— BKK (@bhatkrishnak)

Similarly in a funny and awkward video, a Pakistani politician was allegedly seen cutting the ribbon with his teeth rather than scissors at the inaugural ceremony. Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chohan, the Minister for Prisons and the spokesman for the Government of Punjab, was due to cut the ribbon for the inauguration of an electronics store in his Rawalpindi seat. Despite many efforts, the scissor provided to him did not appear to work. 

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