Solarin: A smartphone with 'military-grade' security

By K S Aditya RaoFirst Published Jun 3, 2016, 10:31 AM IST

A brand new London based technology company, Sirin Labs has launched an ultra high-end smartphone, Solarin with a supreme security system.


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Sirin labs claims, "Solarin incorporates the most advanced privacy technology, currently unavailable outside the agency world."


The company has argued that Solarin has "military-grade" security encrypted hardware. The phone would come with a physical security switch, which when operated would put the phone on the "shielded mode" to make secured phone calls.


Sirin Labs has not explain the entire working of its "shielded mode", but it is expected to safeguard the device from the alien signals. However, it won't provide an absolute shield.


Apart from being highly secured, the phone will feature a 5.5-inch 2K display, a Snapdragon 810 processor, and a 23.8-megapixel camera with laser-assisted autofocus.


The company is aiming at the global exposure of the product, and if launched in India it is likely to cost approximately 10 lakh.


Sirin Labs being a new player in the market may not be easily trusted. Their tall claim, however may make you want to give them a chance. But its affordability poses a serious question to its future


Here is a video showcasing Solarin released by Sirin Labs


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