Bengaluru to Chennai in 20 minutes? Hyperloop wants your votes

By ruma rFirst Published Mar 5, 2017, 8:50 AM IST
  • The five lines to be built by Hyperloop includes Bengaluru to Chennai, Mumbai to Koltaka via Chennai, Mumbai to Chennai via Bengaluru.
  • Railways minister, Suresh Prabhu participated in a programme hosted by the company to discuss Vision for India. 


Soon people in Bengaluru and Chennai might be able to travel between these two cities in just 20 minutes via train lines to be built by Los Angeles-based company, named Hyperloop One. This company has announced a project to build five lines in India selected through a global challenge. Now, Hyperloop One wants people to vote for the city where the first line would be built in India.

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The proposed five lines are Bengaluru to Chennai in 20 minutes, Mumbai to Koltaka via Chennai in 220, Mumbai to Chennai via Bengaluru in 50 minutes which can boost the ports' capacity in Chennai and Mumbai and also create ‘a Suez Canal like link between these two coasts’ the Times of India reported. 



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In a press release, executive chairman of Hyperloop One Shervin Pishevar stated that "India is an extremely important geography for developing Hyperloop networks and reimagining how cities and regions work.”


Recently, railways minister Suresh Prabhu also confirmed that his ministry is exploring this project. The minister also participated in a programme hosted by the company to discuss Vision for India. 



At present, the company is working on developing a technology that by using magnetic levitation in tubes with low-pressure to make travelling on the surface as fast as airplane speed. The railways minister called this technology ‘very exciting’ and that ‘we will closely watch it how it is happening’ as he was quoted by Economic Times as saying. 


Prabhu also said that speed is the focus of Indian railways for which his department is modernising infrastructure. 


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