A horrific Incident unfolds in Bengaluru, as a 65-year-old Private school Principal has been booked under POCSO Act for raping a 10-year-old School girl. The girl was said to be suffering from Dyslexia and was studying in 2nd standard. Case is lodged against the Principal and he is currently under Judicial custody.
A horrifying incident of crime has emerged in Bengaluru, involving the arrest of a 65-year-old school principal for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl. The local police have taken swift action and registered a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The accused, identified as Lambert Pushparaj, was serving as the principal of a private school at Gunjur in Bengaluru.
The young victim, a Class 2 student at the school, had arrived for classes at 8:30 am on Thursday. Shockingly, Principal Lambert Pushparaj reportedly lured her to his office and subjected her to sexual abuse. It is disturbing to note that after committing the crime, he offered her cake.
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The situation took a dire turn when the young girl, who has dyslexia, began experiencing stomach pain after returning home at around 3:30 pm. Her mother's concern grew when she noticed bloodstains on the child's private parts while giving her a bath. Upon questioning, the girl disclosed the traumatic incident that transpired at school. Swift action was taken, and she was immediately taken to the hospital for medical attention and support.
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The Police have lodged a case against the Principal and booked him under the POCSO Act, based on the complaint lodged by the mother. He is currently being investigated by the police and is under Judicial custody. The Police have also been suspecting that the principal might have given sexual harassment to the other girls at school.
The girl is said to be suffering from dyslexia and she has problems reading the words and understanding the sentences. She was lagging behind at the school and thus her parents had admitted her to the second standard.