The Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) has initiated the tendering process for the 74-kilometer Peripheral Ring Road (PRR) project, estimated at Rs 27,000 crore. Employing the Public-Private Partnership model, the winning bidder will fund civil works, acquire 2,560 acres of land, and hold toll collection rights for five decades. The PRR aims to connect key locations, easing intra-city traffic beyond the Outer Ring Road.
On Tuesday, the Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) took a significant step by initiating the tendering process for the construction of the Peripheral Ring Road (PRR), a project holding immense promise for the future development of the city. Projected as a 74-kilometer corridor, the estimated cost for this ambitious undertaking is a substantial Rs 27,000 crore. Embracing the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, the BDA has chosen to grant toll collection rights for an impressive five decades to the successful bidder.
The envisioned PRR, featuring a width of 100 meters and incorporating eight lanes, aims to establish a connection between the NICE corridor at Tumakuru Road and Hosur Road. The unique aspect of the PPP model mandates that the winning bidder not only funds the civil works but also undertakes the acquisition of 2,560 acres of land, an indispensable element of this expansive project.
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Operating under the framework of Design, Build, Finance, and Operate Transfer, the tender outlines the construction of an 8-lane Peripheral Ring Road, complete with a service road, extending approximately 74 kilometres and having a 100-meter right of way. The proposed route is set to commence at Makali on the Bengaluru-Pune road, linking significant locations such as KR Puram, old Ballari Road, Old Madras Road, and Sarjapur Road before connecting to Hosur Road.
Notably, the BDA had previously initiated a tender in March 2022; however, due to technical reasons, the endeavour was short-lived and subsequently abandoned. The estimated land requirement for the project, based on 2022 assessments, is around 2,561 acres, involving the removal of 1,395 structures. Additionally, the project necessitates the diversion of 19.54 acres of forest land in Sy. No. 59, situated near the boundary of Bannerghatta National Park and Puttenahalli Bird Conservation Reserve.
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The underlying concept of the Peripheral Ring Road is to create a direct corridor around the city, connecting major highways like Tumkur, Mysore, Old Madras, Hosur, and district roads. This strategic initiative aims to redirect intra-city traffic from Bengaluru City beyond the existing Outer Ring Road (ORR).
In the context of the abandoned RMP 2031, which concentrated on easing congestion in Bengaluru, the completion of the PRR was deemed essential. The plan highlighted radial and ring roads as pivotal components to enhance mobility within the metropolitan area and the larger region.