Giant python rescued from the jungle adjacent to the Durgapur hospital. The forest department came to the spot after receiving the news and rescued the python. According to the members of the wildlife organization, these animals are leaving the jungle and moving into the locality in search of food.
Durgapur: A huge python was rescued from the jungle adjacent to the Durgapur hospital. The forest department rescued a six-foot python from the jungle. Panic spread among the patient's families as a large python was rescued from the jungle in front of the hospital blood bank.
According to reports, the jungle adjacent to the blood bank of the hospital was being cleaned by a janitor. While cleaning, he saw the giant python. As soon as the matter came into notice, panic spread in the hospital premises. Forest department officials reached the spot after receiving the news. They searched for various places in the forest and rescued the python.
On the other hand, the forest department officials rescued an injured hedgehog from a colony adjacent to Durgapur railway station. The officials have also rescued two more hedgehogs from the area two months ago.
According to the members of the wildlife organization, these animals are leaving the jungle and moving into the locality in search of food. The wildlife organization members said that the forest department needs to take further steps in this regard.
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Besides, DFO Nilratan Panda of Durgapur said, “The general public should be aware of the dangers of pythons and hedgehogs coming into the locality. The forest department is always there to help them.”