Mukherjee Nagar fire incident: No injuries have been reported so far, the fire officials said. A call about the fire was received at 12.27 pm and a total of 11 fire tenders have been pressed into service, Atul Garg, Director of Delhi Fire Service, said.
A coaching center in Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi on Thursday (June 15) caught fire. Several students were seen climbing down through windows with the support of wires. As many as 11 fire tenders rushed to the site and doused the fire.
The rescue operation was underway. The flame spread after the electric board installed on the ground floor of the four-storey building caught fire.
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Students Escape Using Wires As Fire Breaks Out At Coaching Center In Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar.
— Mobin LLB (@immobink)No injuries have been reported so far, the fire officials said. A call about the fire was received at 12.27 pm and a total of 11 fire tenders have been pressed into service, Atul Garg, Director of Delhi Fire Service, said.
"A few students received injuries as they were escaping from the building where the fire broke out today. No person is trapped in the building. The fire broke out in the electricity meter of the building. Panic caused due to rising smoke," Suman Nalwa, PRO, Delhi Police said.
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In a video shared by the fire department, people, mostly students, were seen being rescued by the firemen through the windows. The fire-fighting operation is underway and the cause of fire is not known yet, officials said.
"All people have been rescued from the building and fire fighting operation has been concluded. So far, no major injuries have been reported," Delhi Fire Department said.
Mukherjee Nagar is located in northern Delhi is one of the hotspots for coaching centers and it is considered as a hub of the education sector.