Morigaon District Transport Officer Bapan Kalita said, "Sarma's mother, Mrinalini Devi and brother Diganta Biswa Sarma were travelling from Guwahati to Diphu in Karbi Anglong district to attend a programme when their vehicle was hit on the rear by a speeding SUV in Silsang area."
A vehicle carrying Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's mother met with a minor accident on National Highway 37 in Morigaon district on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, said an official. However, no injuries were reported.
While talking to PTI, Morigaon District Transport Officer Bapan Kalita said, "Sarma's mother, Mrinalini Devi and brother Diganta Biswa Sarma were travelling from Guwahati to Diphu in Karbi Anglong district to attend a programme when their vehicle hit on the rear by a speeding SUV in Silsang area." The district police officers arranged another car for them to return to Guwahati, the officer added.
The SUV driver escaped with the vehicle, and a search was launched to locate the vehicle and the driver.
Mrinalini Devi is the vice president of the Asam Sahitya Sabha, and the chief minister's brother is a publisher and owner of a Guwahati bookshop.
(With inputs from PTI)
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