A tragic incident unfolds as a family of five in Sadashivnagar takes their lives due to insurmountable debt, leaving a poignant note citing financial strain, disputes with neighbors, and accusing specific individuals. The father strangled the children, mentioning a distressing situation and seeking justice in the note, prompting investigations and relief efforts.
A tragic incident unfolded in a Sadashivnagar residence where a family of five took their lives. The deceased include Garib Saab (32), his wife Sumaiya (30), their daughter Hazira (14), and sons Mohammad Subhan (10) and Mohammad Muneer (8). The family had moved to Sadashivnagar four months ago, previously residing in a rented house at 3rd Cross, Sadashivanagar, Tumkur city. A two-page death note cited insurmountable debt as the reason for their suicides. They operated a kebab shop in Melekote within the city. Before their tragic end, Garib Saab recorded a video. SP Ashok Venkat has visited the site, and a case has been filed under the Tilakpark police station.
Following a distress call at 7:30, authorities were alerted to a tragic scene where two individuals among a family of five were found hanging in their Sadashivnagar residence. Responding swiftly, officials arrived at the scene within five minutes, discovering the bodies of two individuals. Meanwhile, the three children were found deceased in their beds. The family originally hailed from Shira taluk Lakkanahalli.
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Before the tragic event, Garib Saab sent a selfie video message to relatives, the content of which authorities plan to investigate for information. The action to be taken will be based on both the video content and the filed complaint. Garib Saab, who operated a kebab shop, had been residing in Sadashivnagar for a year, as confirmed by Tumkur SP Ashok KV.
In a poignant death note addressed to Doddamma, Garib Saab expressed their overwhelming debt and the lack of profits in their business, making sustenance challenging. He mentioned difficulties in earning, payment obligations, and outstanding rent for their rented house, highlighting the financial strain. Garib Saab implicated the poisoning by his wife's brother Sadiq and her younger sister Yasin as the reason for their relocation. He urged the return of advance payments and household item disposal in the note.
Garib Saab and his family ran a kebab shop but faced a big problem. They owed a loan of 1 lakh rupees to different people and groups. The stress from this debt became too much for them. So, sadly, they decided to end their lives together. Even though Garib Saab worked hard at the kebab shop, the money they made wasn't enough to fix their money troubles.
In the note, Garib Saab outlined specific instructions for distributing belongings: fifteen thousand for an aunt, a bike for elder brother Ajaj, and a phone for sister-in-law Parveen and brother. He suggested Dodamma could choose to keep or sell certain items. Garib Saab conveyed gratitude to Mattar Mami for providing food, including money, and mentioned a monthly rent payment of 2000 rupees. He lamented the trouble caused by neighbours below their residence in Sadashivnagar, expressing that seeking help often resulted in rejection.
The note detailed the family's distress, citing conflicts with neighbours who allegedly hadn't paid them for seven months and had made life difficult by causing trouble. For their dire situation, Garib Saab blamed five individuals—Qalandar, his daughter, his elder son, Shabana, and her daughter. They pleaded for justice from the Home Minister and urged all police officers to intervene. Expressing a strong wish to avoid post-mortems, they signed off listing the names of the deceased family members.
In the video, Garib Saab addressed the Home Minister with a respectful greeting and shared their background, born into a financially challenged family in Lakkanahalli. He explained their move to Tumkur with the aim of providing education for their children. Describing their residence in Sadashiva Nagar, he mentioned a problematic neighbour and emphasized the difficulties of sustaining a livelihood in their impoverished circumstances.
Garib Saab recounted the neighbour's violent behaviour towards his family, including verbal abuse and physical violence. He highlighted the neighbour's influence, noting how conducting business or seeking justice was met with opposition. Describing the neighbour as a troublesome figure, Garib Saab expressed frustration at their inability to receive support and mentioned their joint tenancy situation. He also mentioned the challenges faced in acquiring a loan and the added burden of maintaining the water tank without the neighbour's assistance.
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The note describes a dispute involving lenders, family members, and a relationship between Shabana and Qalandar, resulting in tragic deaths. The author accuses these individuals of causing their demise and pleads for justice. They express fear for their children and request neighbours to attest to their situation. Additionally, there's a demand for punishment for Qalandar, mentioning specific police officers, and a plea to avoid post-mortem.
"I confirm that the deceased individuals were all from the same family residing in Shira taluk. Tragically, we've recorded five deaths, two by hanging and three by strangulation. According to the note found, it's heartbreaking that the father was responsible for the strangulation of the children before taking his own life. We've taken steps to provide relief through the CM Fund to support the affected", said District Collector, Srinivas during his visit to the deceased house.