CM Mamata Banerjee said, "It was in Bihar, not West Bengal, where Vande Bharat was pelted with stones. We will take legal action against those media outlets that broadcast false information about the incident in West Bengal and defame our state."
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the Vande Bharat Express was pelted with stones in Bihar, not in Bengal, on Thursday, January 5, 2023.
She said that legal action would be taken against those media outlets that spread 'fake news' about the incident occurring in West Bengal, bringing a bad name to the state.
Former railway minister Banerjee said, "It was in Bihar, not West Bengal, where Vande Bharat was pelted with stones. We will take legal action against those media outlets that broadcast false information about the incident in West Bengal and defame our state."
"Vande Bharat is not that special. It's just an old train refurbished with a new engine," Banerjee added. She was on her two-day visit to oversee preparations for the Gangasagar Mela, which begins on January 8.
On Tuesday, Vande Bharat Express was pelted with stones for the second day in a row. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated it on December 30. Railway officials claimed on Thursday that they had identified those who threw stones at the train.
Eastern Railways CPRO Ekalabya Chakraborty said that after scanning video footage, it was discovered that Monday's stone-pelting incident happened in Malda district, and Tuesday's incident occurred in the Kishanganj district of Bihar. Arrest attempts are being made for the offenders.
The first incident cracked a glass door, and the second damaged windows. However, no injuries to passengers were reported in the incidents. "FIRs have been filed in both cases, and a campaign to raise awareness has been started to prevent further incidents," the said official.
(With inputs from PTI)
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