The Mysuru Dasara festival's highlight, Jamboo Savari, was inaugurated by Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar commenced the celebrations. The event, featuring the resplendent golden chariot of goddess Chamundeshwari, draws domestic and international tourists to Mysuru. The day included special pujas, including the offering of flowers to the gold idol of Chamundeshwari.
The renowned Jamboo Savari, a highlight of the festival, was inaugurated by the royal scion Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar kicked off the festivities with a floral tribute.
The grandeur of the Mysuru Dasara festival was on full display as Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, a member of the royal family, initiated the proceedings in the palace premises on Tuesday.
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The centrepiece of the Dasara Mahotsav, the Jamboo Savari, marks the end of the traditional Nadahabba festival that spans ten days. It draws thousands of domestic and international tourists to the cultural city, all eager to witness the grand Jamboo Savari and pay homage to the goddess Chamundeshwari, who rides in a resplendent golden chariot.
The Mysuru Palace premises have been meticulously arranged to accommodate dignitaries, invitees, and gold card and ticket holders, who will gather to witness the majestic Jamboo Savari.
The day's festivities began with Chief Minister Siddaramaiah conducting a special puja at the Nandi flag on the Palace Balarama gate during the auspicious Makara Lagna, from 1:46 pm to 2:08 pm, signalling the start of the Jamboo Savari. Following this, Abhimanyu, the ceremonial elephant, was prepared for the grand procession.
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In the evening, under the Pisces Lagna, from 4:40 to 5:00 pm, a special platform in the palace enclosure was graced with the offering of flowers to the 750 kg gold idol of Chamundeshwari, carried by the majestic Gajaraja Abhimanyu.
The event drew an esteemed crowd, with the royal family's presence, including Yaduveera Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar, Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar, District In-charge Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa, Kannada and Culture Minister Shivraj Thangadagi, Mysuru Mayor, District Collector, and the Police Commissioner. The Jamboo Savari sets the stage for a grand celebration in Mysuru, marking the spirit of the festive season.